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Perfect MamaTENS uses the latest technology in TENS to offer drug-free, more natural pain relief during labour.


Perfect MamaTENS maternity TENS is designed to be portable and simple to use, and provide an alternative to more intrusive methods of pain relief during childbirth.

Mama TENS uses TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) to relieve pain by a) helping the body to release natural painkillers (called endorphins) and by blocking pain signals to the brain.​


Our Maternity TENS machines have an excellent reputation as one of the safest, most effective forms of modern pain control available to women during childbirth. Midwives recommend perfect MamaTENS as the machines are safe to use and enable mothers to remain mobile and upright during labour; aiding the descent and dilatation to provide a more natural, drug-free form of pain relief.


​Self-adhesive electrode pads deliver small electrical impulses through the skin and stimulate the nerves in the affected area.​


  • Drug-Free Pain Relief during labour using the latest technology

  • Your alternative to intrusive methods of pain relief during childbirth

  • Portable and easy to use with a large bright backlit screen

  • Effective back pain relief from 37 weeks pregnant to postpartum

  • Midwives recommend​​

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